Monday, February 21, 2011

Each One Really Is Different

This should be a theme in my life! It really does pertain to almost everything that I do. From my two boys, to people that I meet, to simply each day of my life! I think that everything and everyone has to be viewed as unique and approached with an open technique. Be prepared but not set in your ways because life has a way of surprising us!

This morning I took the time to look at the snowflakes that are currently falling from the sky. Unlike the last few storms we have had, this snow is gentle, graceful and really quite pretty. We are not predicted to get a lot of snow today, but I am glad that it is snowing. Rob mentioned to me that the snow really looks like crystals today. Snow is always made of tiny individual crystals, but today the snowflakes are the perfect size to really see individually. As I started looking at each little flake I noticed three things: 1) Snowflakes really do look like the ones in picture books,  2) Each snowflake really is different. In fact no matter how hard I looked I could not find two snowflakes that looked the same. Each was unique and orginal in some way, and 3) All of these individual snowflakes have added up to many huge, significant piles of snow!! I ran inside to get my camera and I spent the next 20 min trying to capture this beautiful creation of snow on film.

Today take a moment from your busy schedule to notice something small!  Be it something wonderful in nature or a task that seems insignificant.  Think about the role that it plays or what it may mean to someone or something.  Most of all enjoy what you have discovered.

I think this is my favorite!

 Little crystals all piled on top of each other.

Lacey snowflakes

In all shapes and sizes

1 comment:

  1. Well, blow me over! Nice to see a new blog post from you!
    Love the snowflake pictures by the way. How big were those flakes? By the photos I'd think they were larger ones...should have but a penny by them for scale or something.
